This is an IFRS email alert which just dropped into my inbox today, May 27, 2010. It’s about the proposal of the changes to the presentation of items of Other Comprehensive Income. Just proceed below to read more :
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) published today a proposal to improve the consistency of how items of Other Comprehensive Income (OCI) are presented.
The IASB is proposing to require that entities present profit or loss and other comprehensive income in separate sections of a continuous statement. The IASB is also proposing to group items in OCI on the basis of whether they will eventually be ‘recycled’ into the profit or loss section of the income statement.
The exposure draft, Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income - Proposed Amendments to IAS 1, is open for comment until 30 September 2010. .
More information:
Access the document online:
- Read the press release.
- Read the Snapshot, a short introduction to the document.
- Visit the project page
- To access the document visit the "Get involved / Comment on a proposal" section on
- If you are an eIFRS/Comprehensive subscriber, you can also view the document in the 'Latest Additions' section of eIFRS (you will be required to provide your login details).